Organisation – fotos gelijktrekken

Doug DeVos

Doug DeVos

Class President

H.M. King Juan Carlos 1

H.M. King Juan Carlos 1

Honorary Member

Jose Cusi Ferret

Jose Cusi Ferret

Honorary Member

Tom Pollack

Tom Pollack

Honorary Member

Doug DeVos

Previous TP52 Class Presidents:
Tom Pollack, 2001 – 2007.
John Cook, 2007 – 2011.
Jaime Yllera, Acting President 2011 – 2012, who kindly took over from John Cook when he became too ill to be with us.
Niklas Zennström 2012 – 2017.

The members prefere to combine the function of Class President and ExCom in one person. Who can call upon the members for advice.

Honorary Member

  • H.M. King Juan Carlos I
  • José Cusi Ferret
  • Tom Pollack

H.M. King Juan Carlos I and mr. José Cusi Ferret were awarded honorary membership in 2011 in grateful recognition of their fourty years of support of yacht racing and in particular for their support of TP52 racing and the TP52 Class from 2005.

Tom Pollack has been the Executive Director of the TP52 Class for 6 years. In October 2007 Tom retired from this function and was awarded by the TP52 Members the Honarary Membership title.

Associated Member

To become an Associate Member is limited to the principal owner of a TP52 or former TP52 who likes to support the TP52 Class but does not race in Class Events. The Associate Member is entitled to have the TP52 logo in the mainsail and may require services from the Class Manager, like having his boat or equipment advertised on the class website, rule advise, etc.

Associate Members may form fleets or classes to promote TP52 racing within a rating band. Such a fleet or class may have a formal relation with the TP52 Class as an Associated Class on basis that its Rule and Bylaws are including the TP52 Rule and Bylaws and are accepted by the TP52 Class.

Associated Fleets or Classes may ask for assistence of the Class Manager in any TP52 matter and have (via the Class Manager) access to the TP52 Class website to promote their cause. The TP52 Class will keep the Associated Fleets or Classes updated on rule and bylaws changes of the TP52 Class.

Associate Members or Associated Fleets or Classes do not have voting rights at TP52 Class Meetings. Upon invitation they may attend such a meeting. The membership fee for Associate Members will be 10% of the membership fee that the TP52 Class Members set for themselves in the Annual Meeting. Specifically the membership fee for Associate Members that race in class events on basis of a Wild Card Invitation was set at the 2014 Annual Meeting at EUR 1500,- per event, at a maximum of EUR 4500,- per year.

Any person or entity wishing to become an Associate Member shall request for Membership by email to the TP52 Class Manager. The Class Manager is under no obligation to justify the reasons that may lead to refusing admission, should this be the case. The applicant will be informed of the final decision in all cases. The applicant has the option to ask review on this decision, in writing, from the TP52 Executive Committee.

Regional Fleets

The TP52 Class may recognize Regional Fleets. The idea of establishing Regional Fleets is to make it possible for specific regions to finetune the TP52 Rule to the circumstances and requirements of that area and to be in charge of TP52 racing and the racing calander for the area. A good exemple is the MedFleet Owners Association that instigated the MedCup and opened up the TP52 Rule of 2004 on a few points that were instrumental for getting the racing going in the Med, like for allowing professionals to helm. We feel that forming Regional Fleets will help to promote our Class and that it on the long run will lead to a larger number of TP52’s worldwide than if we restrict ourselves to one central organisation.

Class Officials

Class Manager & Chief Measurer
Rob Weiland
Mobile  +31 622549566
Skype   kleiwaar

Class Measurer
Pablo Ferrer Puig
Phone  +34 607 26 04 98


Rob Weiland

Rob Weiland

Class Manager & Chief Measurer

Pablo Ferrer

Pablo Ferrer

Class Measurer