TP52 Pre-Worlds start today
From today Thursday the 16th and until next Saturday the 18th, 74 boats from eleven different countries will take part in the VII César Manrique Puerto Calero Trophy, the last race of the Spanish GP42’ Championship as well as of the Quebramar Cup. The lanzarotean regatta will share scenery with the ORC670 World Cup held in the same waters since last Tuesday. The TP52’s participate with eleven teams, the event is for them the prelude of the 2008 TP52 World Championship, where they will fight for their world title.
Spain, USA, Sweden, Italy, Portugal, Great Britain, Argentina, Germany, Russia, Norway and Swiss will be present in this year’s edition of the César Manrique Puerto Calero Trophy, which will see 1.200 sailors. There is a good weather forecast of at least 12 knots wind for the first day.
The TP52 World championships starts Monday the 20th with 14 teams competing for the title.
The first three races saw a strong performence by Desafio, followed by Platoon, Synergy, Matador, Bribon and Cristabella.